The terms "we", "our" and "us" and "IPv6Now" refer to IPv6 Now Pty Ltd, ACN 126 460 955. The terms "you" and "your" refer to the person or organisation making a booking for IPv6Now training. All IPv6Now Training course bookings are subject to the following terms and conditions unless otherwise agreed in writing. By making a booking, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions.
No booking is confirmed until either a purchase order (in the case of Government departments and similar organisations) or payment in full (in all other cases) has been received and acknowledged by IPv6Now.
A course may be cancelled by IPv6Now after your booking has been confirmed. You should not commit to additional costs (such as travel or accommodation) until you have received explicit advice from IPv6Now that the course will proceed. We will provide such advice as early as possible, but in any case no later than five business days before the course is due to begin.
It is your responsibility to ensure that courses you book meet your needs. If you are unsure, please contact IPv6Now well in advance to assist you.
It is your responsibility to ensure that persons attending an IPv6Now course meet any prerequisites for that course. If you are unsure, please contact IPv6Now well in advance to assist you.
We reserve the right to refuse any booking at our absolute discretion.
Our terms are 14 days nett from date of invoice. Fees may be payable if you cancel a booking less than ten days before the scheduled start date. In such cases we will invoice you.
We reserve the right to reschedule, and/or change the location, content or course materials of any course at any time. We will use our best efforts to advise you of any such changes in good time.
We require a minimum of four booked students in order to run a course.
We permit a maximum of 12 students in any hands-on or computer-based
If we cancel an entire course, for any reason, a full refund will be made within fourteen days of receipt of a pro forma invoice from you.
If we cancel part of a course, for any reason, a pro-rata refund will be made within fourteen days of receipt of a pro forma invoice from you.
If you cancel your booking more than ten business days before the scheduled course start, no fees are payable and a full refund of any monies you may already have paid will be made within fourteen days of receipt of a pro forma invoice from you.
If you cancel a booking ten or fewer business days before the scheduled course start, we will charge you 25% of the course fee.
If you cancel a booking five or fewer business days before the scheduled course start, we will charge you 50% of the course fee.
If you cancel a booking less than two business days before the scheduled course start, no refund will be made, and you remain liable for the full course fee.
You are welcome to make substitutes. If the course has prerequisites, any substitutes should meet those prerequisites.
We will advise you as soon as practicable (generally within five working days after the last scheduled day of a course) of the amount of refund due, if any.
We will pay any refund within fourteen days of receipt of a pro forma invoice from you.
Under no circumstances will we refund or make good any expenses other than monies actually paid to us in respect of a booking.
No refund is payable if a person fails to attend the course, or leaves partway through a course. You remain liable for the remainder of any fees in respect of such cases.