Reasons for IPv6
The benefits of IPv6 are vast and far-reaching, but not necessarily in terms of
instant payback – just as the Internet itself was twenty years ago, when
most people would have scoffed at the idea of investing in technology at levels
we all now regard as essential. The Internet is currently undergoing a profound
and complex migration to IPv6, which will lead to long-term global and
individual benefits. This paper discusses:
- Who is Migrating to IPv6 and Why?
- IPv6 Carrots
2.1 Address Abundance
2.2 Easier Management
2.3 End-To-End Transparency
2.4 Mandated Security
2.5 Better Mobility
2.6 Platform for Innovation
- IPv6 Sticks
3.1 IPv4 is Over
3.2 Things and Clouds Need IPv6
3.3 IPv6 is On by Default
3.4 Shadow Networks and IPv6
3.5 Governments and Defence Use IPv6
3.6 Business Continuity Needs IPv6
1. Who is Migrating to IPv6 and Why?
Major Internet businesses and the technical community have long been convinced
of the importance of moving to IPv6. Content giants such as Google, Yahoo and
Amazon, and backbone providers such as Comcast, NTT, France Telecom, China
Telecom, Telstra, China Mobile, etc, have already made the transition to dual
IPv4 and IPv6 systems.
Microsoft has switched to full IPv6 on its internal
system and uses IPv4 only at edge connections, while T-Mobile has migrated
completely to IPv6 and uses tunnels to carry any IPv4 traffic. Research
organisations such as AARNet and CERNET were early adopters and promoters of
IPv6, and the protocol's importance to researchers in computing and networks is
long-standing and increasing.
Unfortunately, many end-user enterprises have lagged far
behind. This is obvious from a counter on the IPv6Now site, showing global IPv6 adoption.
Internet core infrastructure is currently 75% enabled, content providers are
44% enabled, but end users lag behind.
There are multiple reasons for this, some of which probably derive from
the Internet changing from a cooperative network focused upon long-term
functionality, to a network of commercial entities focused upon short-term
The full benefits of IPv6 to any specific enterprise will vary according to its
requirements, size and structure, but innovative organisations will achieve
cost savings through more efficient and secure networks. Also, as IPv4 is
superseded, the marginal costs of supporting legacy IPv4 systems rises steeply,
but because of its extraordinary scaleability, the marginal costs of IPv6
remain flat.
Another important benefit for IPv6-capable enterprises will be enhanced
communications with trading partners, especially China and India. This is
because the US, with 5% of the world's population, is assigned 36% of the IPv4
addresses, but China and India, with 36% of the world's population between
them, have only 8% of the IPv4 addresses.
Both countries (among others in Asia
and Europe) simply do not have enough IPv4 address space for the future, and
their only option is to use IPv6. Their governments have made major commitments
to IPv6 migration, not only for the obvious benefits, but because they just
have no alternative for their own Internet-based economic development.
While the ultimate benefit of IPv6 is the growth and integrity of the Internet
itself, to everyone's advantage, this document discusses IPv6 benefits for
enterprises in terms of significant improvements ('carrots') and the unwelcome
consequences of not migrating ('sticks').
2. IPv6 Carrots
IPv6 allows for new approaches to Internet networking such as traffic
efficiency, security, mobility and quality of service. Valuable features
2.1 Address Abundance
The header format of IPv4 packets limits the number of possible addresses for
Internet devices to 4.3 billion, already inadequate for the multitude of
devices now globally networked. IPv6 increased the address field size to permit
a vastly larger number of addresses, 3.4 x 1038. Even single
enterprises are usually allocated at least a /64 prefix, which contains
about four billion times the total number
of possible addresses in today's IPv4 Internet.
2.2 Easier Management
IPv6 networks have simpler, flatter and more manageable architectures, which
leads to scalability, flexibility and overall economy. Addresses can be
configured by hosts automatically without manual intervention (SLAAC),
allocated via DHCPv6 servers, or statically addressed as required. This means
corporate mergers and acquisitions become simpler and more scaleable, and the
renumbering of often-colliding private address space is no longer necessary.
Expanding networks, previous hindered by IPv4 scarcity, can be reworked into
appropriate hierarchical and logical infrastructure layouts. IPv6 address
management software improves the integrity of the process of allocating and
tracking addresses.
2.3 End-To-End Transparency
IPv6's vast address space means direct node-to-node addressing, better
for performance and security. IPv6 removes the need for stopgap conservation
techniques such as multiple levels of NATs (network address translators), which
slow connectivity, hinder troubleshooting and prevent tracing of illegal
activity. The streamlined IPv6 header is also more efficiently processed by
routers, and a new flow label supports special handling, offering quality of
service and other features.
2.4 Mandated Security
IPv6 can run end-to-end encryption and integrity-checking, with IPSec support,
mandatory in IPv6. When used with a suitable key infrastructure, IPSec provides
header extensions that allow authentication and encryption. IPv6 also supports
more secure name resolution with the Secure Neighbor Discovery (SEND) protocol,
to enable cryptographic confirmation of a host's identity. This makes
name-based attacks more difficult, and provides an improved level of trust.
With IPv4 it is relatively easy for an attacker to observe or manipulate
traffic between two hosts, but more secure IPv6 makes this a much harder
2.5 Better Mobility
IPv6 mobility capabilities are greatly improved over IPv4. Mobile IPv6 has
dynamic home agent address discovery and no longer requires foreign agent
external infrastructure to handle connectivity. It is faster due to less
routing bandwidth overhead, and built-in route optimisation support. The NEMO protocol is
an extension of mobile IPv6, which will provide Internet access for entire
mobile networks such as planes, trains, cars, without any interruption to
sessions as the networks reconnect.
2.6 Platform for Innovation
The value of network connectivity grows exponentially with every node that
joins in. The innovative value of IPv6 lies in the incremental jump in
complexity that becomes possible with its vastly larger networks. Huge sizes,
scalability and flexibility of IPv6 networks foster streamlined processes,
communications, and new business models. IPv6 is designed to easily cope with
future innovation with header extensions. The Internet of Things on any serious
scale, e.g. massive sensor networks for scientific data, business inventory,
traffic monitoring, etc., is possible only with IPv6.
3. IPv6 Sticks
There are not only benefits to adopting IPv6, there are serious drawbacks in
not using it:
3.1 IPv4 is Over
On the surface, the IPv4 world seems calm. However, the top-level body that
assigns IPv4 addresses, IANA, announced as long ago as 2011 it had no more
blocks of IPv4 left to distribute. The Asia-Pacific registry APNIC also hit
IPv4 exhaustion in 2011, as did the European RIPE-NCC registry in 2012, and
South American LACNIC in 2014. The North American registry, ARIN, announced in
April 2014 it has also reached its final stages of IPv4. All registries
strongly recommend immediate IPv6 adoption.
IPv4 is done. It's old technology. Your current IPv4 range may be enough for
life support for some time yet, but if expansion or diversification is
required, your networks will suffer. Any new technology requiring Internet
access will push network demand to the limit. Yes, there are stop-gaps such as
NAT boxes, but they are costly and require time-consuming expertise and
Far better to put scarce resources into something with a future,
and to do it before IPv4 exhaustion becomes an emergency.
As Vint Cerf said on
this issue, "Engineering in a crisis is never a good idea..."
3.2 Things and Clouds Need IPv6
Cloud computing is now fundamental to most enterprises, providing cheap,
powerful resources such as databases, applications, security and system
administration that cannot be afforded individually. IP addresses are critical
for orchestrating cloud processes. To commission or decommission cloud virtual
machines, multiple IP addresses need to be reserved or freed up with blinding
speed. The IPv4-based Internet, increasingly hamstrung by NATs, cannot provide
such functionality, and the required numbers of addresses simply do not exist
in IPv4.
The Internet of Things, the concept of communicating networks of independent
devices, is estimated to reach twenty to thirty billion devices by 2020. Every
networked device needs an address, and IPv4 has a hard limit of 4.3 billion.
IPv6 has 340,282,366,920,938,000,000,000,000,000 billion addresses.
IPv6 is the only technology that can scale to deal with massively
distributed cloud infrastructure and the Internet of Things.
3.3 IPv6 is On by Default
Almost all current device operating systems have working IPv6, many with IPv6
enabled by default. See Wikipedia's comparison of IPv6 support in operating systems, and the IPv6 for Microsoft Windows FAQ.
There is far more IPv6 traffic on most networks than commonly recognised. If
enterprise firewalls have not been expressly configured to handle IPv6, then
the enterprise is vulnerable to malicious traffic, no matter how sturdy the old
IPv4 defences are.
IPv6 is on by default, and can be accidently or
deliberately used to bypass usage and security policies.
3.4 Shadow Networks and IPv6
While IPv6 remains uncommon, it will be used by those seeking to avoid
attention. The most shadowy networks remain hidden except to devotees, but one
well-known peer-to-peer filesharing network, the Pirate Bay, went to IPv6 two years ago after courts began ordering
European ISPs to block Pirate Bay IPv4 addresses.
IPv6 is also being used for free, fast Internet. In 2012, large numbers of
students began downloading the IPv6Now tunnel client to avoid their slow ISP and use a free academic IPv6
server. Since then, the client has been downloaded tens of thousands of
times worldwide. While not illegal, this is certainly flying under the radar of
their network service providers.
If you think your network's not carrying IPv6, it just means you don't
know about it.
3.5 Government Use IPv6
Governments worldwide take IPv6 very seriously. The US government has already
transitioned to supporting IPv6 on all external services, and in 2014 mandated
IPv6 for all internal services. The Australian Government met a deadline in
2012 for external services to be IPv6 capable. In Australia, the Department of
Defence began its IPv6 migration in 2005. In the US, DREN, the defense research
and engineering network, has dedicated significant effort to IPv6
implementations in everything from 'network-centric warfare' to networked
uniforms. Governments in India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Vietnam, etc., have
mandated IPv6-transition timetables. In April 2014, the Chinese government
announced it would be providing 20 billion Chinese yuan (3.2 billion US
dollars) for IPv6 promotion and expansion.
IPv6 transition is actively supported by governments globally.
3.6 Business Continuity Needs IPv6
Connectivity is now essential to the viability of most enterprises. Management
must always be aware of issues that will impact on service delivery and the
bottom line, and IPv4 exhaustion is a serious threat that will prevent
enterprises from significantly expanding networks or taking competitive
advantage of new features. Sadly, some levels of management dismiss IPv6 as a
technical upgrade with no commercial relevance, despite its importance having
been promoted widely for many years. Any excuse for avoiding IPv6 is
increasingly flimsy, especially in the light of governmental adoption globally,
and not acting on
knowledge that affects business continuity is a neglect of corporate
Adopting IPv6 is a low-cost business continuity strategy.