Ipv6 Summit logo

The second Australian IPv6 Summit will take place in Canberra, 4-6 December 2006


logo First Australian IPv6 Summit

Canberra ACT Australia
Mon 31 October - Tue 1 November 2005

The IPv6 Summit was a great success! Our thanks to everyone involved in speaking, organising, attending and supporting the event.

The presentations are now available here.

Internet Protocol Version 6 is a backwards-compatible replacement for the current Internet protocol, IPv4, which will provide inbuilt mobility, quality, manageability and security. The available address space will rise from about 4 x 109 to 3 x 1038 unique IP addresses, allowing for nearly unlimited numbers of systems and networks. Large-scale deployment of Ipv6 is being planned now in Asia, North America and Europe - the US Department of Defense aims to transition all of its networking to IPv6 by 2008.

Get Ready to Move to the New Internet Based on IPv6: The IPv6 Forum has released a new study on Internet address space consumption by Tony Hain, (speaker at this Summit) which shows that the remaining IPv4 address pool is on course for rapid exhaustion. A Pragmatic Report on IPv4 Address Space Consumption includes a debate with other senior Internet experts and their recommendations.

Which sectors will be affected by IPv6?

Australian organisations must position themselves to take advantage of the opportunities IPv6 offers to innovative users of the Internet and developers of new technology.

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Dept of Defence





Colour Poster


Download a colour A4-size poster about the Summit (580 Kb, pdf format, right click and save)

Hosted by: teleconnections-link Grangenet link Smart Internet-link isoc-au-link

Endorsed by:   National ICT Industry Alliance    ipv6forum-link acs-link  IPv6 Forum Downunder
